Review..... here it comes
Has anyone seen what the letterhead of Rastrapathi Bhavan looks like? I have..... ;) That of 1969...
To all those who have been following the story and others, of the comment of the author Tahir Rahman in my blog when i previewed his book previously, here is the update...
Well, Tahir Rahman kept his promise and sent me a signed copy of his fantastic book sometime last week :) I was super thrilled of course but took some time to read through the book to write the promised review....
I'm going to be honest here ..... what do you think i did first when i got the book.....
I first flipped the pages to get to the part of the goodwill letters from the countries to the astronauts and landed right on what India had written... :)
I was all WOW. I have never seen a Rashtrapathi Bhavan letter-head before you see.
I then flipped and flipped to all the other neighbouring countries that held my interests to see what they'd all written. There were photographs of scores of letters handwritten and signed by leaders we've only read in history books! It was an amazing experience for me.
As always I have my personal favorite ....
The letter from Ivory Coast. It was so beautiful. Here is the excerpt...
"..............I hope also that he would tell the Moon how beautiful it is when it illuminates the nights of Ivory Coast.
I especially wish that he would turn towards our planet Earth and cry out how insignificant the problems which torture men are, when viewed from up there.'.....
Felix Houphouet-Boigny
I especially wish that he would turn towards our planet Earth and cry out how insignificant the problems which torture men are, when viewed from up there.'.....
Felix Houphouet-Boigny
Isn't it just lovely....
I then started all over again from the beginning. The quality of the book is just amazing. As in..... the photographs, personal interviews with Neil Armstrong ..... I lived it all. There is so much information in this book and yet all of it comes with a touch of human hand.
Did you tell Tahir about your three blog-buddies who are willing to be stranded with you on the island and would love to get a signed copy of his book ?? :)
Jokes apart .. the book does sound like a very interesting read. May check it out when time permits.
Hi, I am a little confused how could Indira Gandhi Sign off on the Presidential Letterhead... She was the Prime Minister.. I Guess I would need to see that to understand it :)
Thanks for your wonderful comments, Preethi. I also love that message from the Ivory Coast. There are many other prophetic messages there.
You all are welcome to visit my blog on It is under the book's listing.
To answer a question posed here, NASA asked nations of the world to have their "Chief of State" send a message for deposit on the Moon. Therefore, Gandhi would have been seen as the main leader. Her message, along with the others will last on the Moon's surface for thousands of years.
@ cosmic: he heeeee. Don't worry i'll make sure i get my copy there. We'll all sit together and read it. I'm thinking there'll be plenty of time!
And yes, it is a very interesting book. Do pick it up if u can. Happy reading and happy marooning....
@ duniya: Hey barath, i noticed it too. i guess Tahir has answered your query. That is why i said the book has a historical significance to it. May be Indira Gandhi was the only audible voice at that time. She was the Prime Minister and the President i think....
i shud do some research on that..
@ tahir: You are very welcome sir. I will write my review in Amazon for sure. Keep visiting and feel free to answer people's questions :)....
I will be appearing on the Space Show with host Dr. David Livingston. The program is on Monday, March 3, 2008.
The Space Show program is 2-3:30PM Pacific Time and will air and stream on KKNW, 1150AM Seattle as well as Space Show streaming sites. Also available as a podcast.
Tahir Rahman
Great....this is all so exciting...see how blog opens up avenues for everyone...
The book, its author, the readers, and commentors all meeting at a point in time - may have been impossible few years back but with this e - revolution....its all possible - might have been the same or much greater excitement for the entire crew working to reach and conquer the moon..
I agree wid cosmic pack the book....before our travels :)..
Will definately read and look at the book :)
Thank you all
@ tahir:Wow!. That's a tight schedule you have! :) Will catch the podcasts i think...
@ceedy: right you are man.
the books yeah, i'll get loads of 'em and you'll all be bored to death.... :-& me and deepali will be reading while you guys will be building a boat.... he he heeee
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