why? why not? and when?
Mediocrity is something that i detest in any form.
I had always thought
as i start writing i would grow from wherever i was before.
This was a kind of experiment i guess.
Eventhough i realised a few things about my skills ,
i'm not exceedingly happy or anything.
i'll have to make a few changes.
Why not make all those changes now and get on with it?
Well i'm not sure what all those changes are to be.
i need a new direction.
a theme.
a niche of my own.
why am i writing about all these things in my blog for all of you to view?
Well, once i declare, i'll have the compulsion to live by it right?
So i've folded this paper
and put it in my folder named ideas and dreams.
It is in a very safe place.
It will be re-opened when this particular dream is fully realised.
Will meet you all then...