I pause and see,
not the hurried sort of way that i got so used to this past year,
i mean, really think.......
and i hear
my neighbours,
'the hudson' by the window
the stillness in the air,
the rain,
the light rail that passes by every few minutes,
watch the sun set
once again
every day
sipping coffee
I missed you life, i missed me........
I'm enjoying taking tanya to school nowadays, you see we walk to her school and just by taking these slow walks i have come to realize that she's so much like me in so many aspects, we have both started to observe how slowly a blade of grass grows compared to Tulips that were planted at the sidewalks at the dawn of spring, we watch the birds, pausing enough to feel the pinch of forgetting to carry a camera every single day, she tries to guess the names of the birds, maybe it's a 'robin' amma, and i say 'maybe' (Got to mention here that she has a better knowledge of birds, animals and things that crawl around here than me!) I no longer make her cry asking her to hurry up when all she wants to do is kneel down and watch the Squirrel family, I don't tell her to not talk to me because i'm running late to office, I relish walking at her pace, she has so much to say and she sees so many things, she has an opinion on everything nowadays. Maybe she always did i just didn't notice them as much...
(BTW she has insisted on growing her hair long! She looks like the hippies of the 80s !!)
Hmmmm.....I have more to say about our walks, maybe with a few pics next time, stay tuned and take a walk with us......... you'll get to know a thing or two about dandelions, robins and a grey owl that never flies....